Noah Bubenhofer (University of Zurich)
Darmstadt, 19 February 2020
arm chair linguist
corpus linguist
Foto: Chip Clark, Smithsonian Institution
Ramelli, Agostino: „Le diverse et artificiose machine del capitano Agostino Ramelli : nellequali si contengono varij et industriosi movimenti, degni digrandissima speculatione, per cavarne beneficio infinito in ogni sorte d’operatione : composte in lingua Italiana et Francese“ (1588).
Vincent Placcius, 1689: Illustration featuring a system for filing notes, from De arte excerpendi vom gelahrten Buchhalten liber singularis: quo genera & praecepta excerpendi, ab aliis hucusq[ue]; tradita omnia, novis accessionibus aucta, ordinata methodo exhibentur, et suis quaeque materiis applicantur..., 1689, by Vincent Placcius (1642-1699). *GC6.P6904.689d, Houghton Library, Harvard University
Roberto Busa at the control console of the IBM 705, IBM World Headquarters, 590 Madison Avenue, New York, 1958. [IBM Archives]
Busa (1951) – Sancti Thomae Aquinatis Hymnorum ritualium varia specimina concordantiarum: primo saggio di indici di parole automaticamente composti e stampi da macchine IBM a schede perforate = A 1st example of word index automatically compiled and printed by IBM punched card machines
Busa (1951: 66) – Sancti Thomae Aquinatis Hymnorum ritualium varia specimina concordantiarum: primo saggio di indici di parole automaticamente composti e stampi da macchine IBM a schede perforate = A 1st example of word index automatically compiled and printed by IBM punched card machines
December 9, 1968, Dr. Douglas C. Engelbart and the Augmentation Research Center (ARC) at Stanford Research Institute
December 9, 1968, Dr. Douglas C. Engelbart and the Augmentation Research Center (ARC) at Stanford Research Institute
Computers and digital data allow data manipulation: splitting, sorting, decontextualizing, recontextualizing, linking... → diagrammatic operations
→ Diagrams (following Peirce, Stjernfeldt, Krämer etc. [Krämer 2016] – "Diagrams as thinking tools")
➔ Already a simple diagram such as a concordance view allows new perspectives on text.
Socrates talking to Menon's slave: What must be done to double the surface of the square?
diagrams to present | |
diagrams to explore → Visual Analytics | |
diagrams showing theoretical concepts |
Peirce 1992, Stjernfelt 2007, Krämer 2009, Bauer/Ernst 2010, Putzo 2014, Chen et al. 2008, Keim et al. 2010
list, map, partitura (sheet music, scores), vector, graph
Der Zürcher Sommer 1968. Herausgegeben von Joachim Scharloth und Angelika Linke, unter Mitarbeit von Noah Bubenhofer, Susanne Haaf, Céline Jourdain, Monika Schnoz, Ursula Stutz, Peter Zaugg und Angela Zimmermann. Zürich 2008.
Georg Wenker: Deutscher Sprachatlas – snipped of the map "Kleider (clothes)" (1887-1923)
Savigny, Christofle de (1530?-1608?) Auteur du texte: Tableaux accomplis de tous les arts libéraux , contenans... par singulière méthode de doctrine une générale et sommaire partition des dicts arts amassez et réduicts en ordre pour le soulagement et profit de la jeunesse, par M. Christofle de Savigny,... 1587, (zugegriffen am 2.6.2016).
Schleicher, August: Die deutsche Sprache, Cotta 1860: 28.
Apel, Willi: The notation of polyphonic music, 900-1600, Cambridge, Mass., Mediaeval Academy of America 1961: 5
Apel, Willi: The notation of polyphonic music, 900-1600, Cambridge, Mass., Mediaeval Academy of America 1961: 205
Annotations in Text+Berg-Korpus (Bubenhofer et al. 2015)
Visualizations and operations allow to reshape data and give a new perspectives and allow new insights.
Bubenhofer, Noah (2018): Serialität der Singularität: Korpusanalyse narrativer Muster in Geburtsberichten. In: Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, S. 1–32.
Wehe: anrollen (0.7714179754257202), Hammerwehe (0.7110541462898254), wehe. (0.6944172978401184), Wehe. (0.6870291829109192), Wehenpause (0.6566441059112549), Nächste (0.6404309868812561), Welle (0.6262998580932617), Preßwehe (0.6261609792709351), Ausatmen (0.617641270160675), weglegen (0.6134337186813354)
Schmerz: Wehenschmerz (0.8821748495101929), schmerzen (0.746356725692749), Schmerzen. (0.7165833115577698), Dauerschmerz (0.6974124908447266), Bewegungsdrang (0.6873125433921814), wehenschmerz (0.6761729717254639), schmerzen. (0.6695544123649597), Geburtsschmerz (0.6639039516448975), Wehenspitzen (0.6634974479675293), Rückenwehen (0.6496166586875916)
Kind: Baby (0.8563555479049683), Tochter (0.7126445770263672), Sohn (0.6942390203475952), Kleine (0.6648626327514648), Zwilling (0.6449035406112671), Kindlein (0.6330938935279846), Zwerg (0.6289287805557251), Maus (0.6128379106521606), Butzi (0.6042927503585815), Babies (0.60008704662323)
weil: deswegen (0.7363709211349487), sodass (0.6999390125274658), da (0.6969295740127563), außerdem (0.6948705911636353), deshalb (0.6797378063201904), zumal (0.6710671782493591), obwohl (0.6692008376121521), nämlich (0.6597287654876709), aber (0.6589906811714172), daher (0.6349456310272217)
extrem: immens (0.7714534997940063), enorm (0.7656272053718567), ziemlich (0.7187795639038086), wahnsinnig (0.707932710647583), derb (0.7021247744560242), sehr (0.6977962255477905), Rippenschmerzen (0.696819543838501), paaren (0.694392204284668), mörderisch (0.6901798248291016), massiv (0.6896220445632935)
Cluster ID 244:
Aerztin, Arzt, Assistenzarzt, Assistenzärztin, Chefarzt, Chefärztin, Doc, OA, Oberarzt, Oberärztin, OÄ, Ärtzin, Ärztin
Label (mit Distanz zum Zentroid): Oberarzt (0.9604488611221313), Ärztin (0.9517141580581665), Oberärztin (0.9398374557495117)
Cluster ID 248:
Durchatmen, Dösen, Einschlafen, Hyperventilieren, Ruhepause, Sekundenschlaf, hindurch, immerwieder, manchmal, rauben, sogar, totmüde, wegdösen, weggedämmert, weggedöst, weggenickt, zeitweise, zwischen
Label (mit Distanz zum Zentroid): wegdösen (0.9144155979156494), weggedämmert (0.9106881022453308), Sekundenschlaf (0.8776345252990723)
Nadine Prigann, Interaktionsdesignerin, ZHdK Zürich: Explorative Spatial Analysis (2018) |
Von Arnoldius - Eigenes Werk (selbst erstelltes Foto), CC BY-SA 2.5,
FOLK_E_00080: |
FOLK_E_00012: |
FOLK_E_00120: |
I should like to mention two measures which are at the disposal of the scientific thought-style for giving the character of things to its creations.
- One of them is technical terms, […].
- Another measure is the scientific device […].
Whoever can look into the telescope and think of Saturn consequently uses a certain definite thought-style. There is no other possibility for him: he must recognize the ring of Saturn as a reality independent of himself, and his own thought-style as the only 'good' one.
Fleck: The Problem of Epistempology (1936); see Fix (2011)
Language | Diagrams | Instruments |
Diagrams are more than means to visualize. They are something between language and instruments in scientific processes and express thought styles (and their changes).
Language | Coding | Diagrams | Instruments |
Diagrams are more than means to visualize. They are something between language and instruments in scientific processes and express thought styles (and their changes).
Programming embedded in "Coding Cultures" influence visualizations and their interpretation.
2019, Noah Bubenhofer